

Welcome. This is a blog decidated to my senior thesis concerning the mythological history of Lilith in comparison to the fictional literature using Lilith as a character since the Romantic period. It is generally focuses on literary items, but will also include some paintings and any audio or film portrays of Lilith as well.

Why Lilith?

Lilith is an intriguing figure who has undergone a startling transformation since her inital conception. For an immensely long time she was considered to be a demonic figure, acting as a temptress, succubus and child killer. However, she is now usually associated with feminist ideals and has garnered quite a modern following, especially in feminist Judaism. This is no easy task to follow and is not the focus of my thesis, but I do consider it to be a big factor in chosing the topic. What I find most interesting is comparing how literary and audio/visual works portray her when you look at the mythology they are derriving from.

This blog endevours to be updated once a week with research information, including documents from primary sources. It will be updated on Fridays.

1 comment:

Ama Nazra said...

Thank you for creating this site. I have enjoyed it immensely. I am sorry we never had a finishing blog to say how you went with your thesis.

Love & Peace
Ama Nazra